ROM KITKAT 4.4.0 evecoss A7t
Rom kitkat 4.4.0 Base rom ICS mod by miyaru rock , ini Rom moding gan By agan miyaru rock hehe ok mau liat aja diatas
- Base Rom Ori ICS 4.0.4 Deodex
- SystemUI Mod 4.0.4 (New Status Bar Transparant, Icon Batteray And Signal)
- Lock Screen Animation (Tuts XDA) (Design By miyaru rock )
- Boot Animation + Sound
- Add New Aplikasi (Help & Kitkat Link)
- System ROM Lumayan lega 115MB
- Enable Swift 3G Sim 2
- Selebihnya Banyak Kekurangan
- hape evercoss A7t
- ROM Kitkat 4.4.+ Download disin
- SCRIPT 40int2ext Download disin
- SETTING Launcher Download disin
- wipe data and cache
- wipe cache partition
- advance
- wipe dalvik cache
- setelah itu install zip from sdcard pilih ROM KITKAT
- Masuk CWM
- Install Zip from SD card *
- Wipe Cache dan Dalvik Cache "Biar lebih bersih"
- Reboot (jika ada pilihan YES/NO pilih NO)
- Tunggu masuk home sekitar 3 menit
- Extract File di SD card (jangan di dalam folder)
- Masuk Setting Launcher
- Pilih Backup & Restore
- Restore Setting dan pilih 2014-01-29_012219.bak
- Selesai
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